Международная конференция GAME FACTORY 2018:
Четвёртая международная конференция создателей видеоигр в Молдове. Мероприятие объединяет разработчиков игровых приложений из разных стран. Будут выступать докладчики из США, Германии, Польши, России, Белоруссии, Украины и Молдовы.
Game Factory 2018 – четвёртая международная конференция создателей видеоигр в Молдове.
Время проведения: 24 ноября.
Место проведения: Tekwill, Studentilor str. 9/11, Chisinau.
Мероприятие объединяет разработчиков игровых приложений из разных стран. Будут выступать докладчики из США, Германии, Польши, России, Белоруссии, Украины и Молдовы.
Цели Game Factory:
помочь местным разработчикам игр выйти на международный уровень,
обратить внимание крупных иностранных компаний на наши трудовые ресурсы,
привлечь в Молдову новые инвестиции.
- На конференции, 24 ноября выступят докладчики, которые осветят различные аспекты создания видеоигр. Специалисты в области игростроя поделятся опытом и расскажут, как создание игр стало для каждого из них любимым и прибыльным делом. Слушатели получат возможность задать вопросы мастерам-игроделам. На конференции создатели видеоигр смогут найти новых партнеров и работодателей.
Game Factory позволит начинающим разработчикам выбрать векторы развития. Те, у кого уже есть опыт в игровой индустрии, получат возможность повысить квалификацию, найти новых партнеров и заказчиков.
Попасть на Game Factory 2018 может каждый, кто интересуется созданием видеоигр. Участие в мероприятии бесплатно. Обязательна регистрация: для неё надо пройти по ссылке.
Уляна ГаличThe path of my puzzle-headed relocation to Poland
: 2D artist, began drawing in the 2D medium at age of 12. Now I'm 23. Working for a Polish gamedev company. Before that, I used to be a freelancer. Been making my own game project with my friends, got awarded few times on some championships in game design category. Been travelling a lot and attending different CG conferences. And now I want to share all of this experience with Moldavian gamedev.
: It will be a story about the concentrated experience of an aspiring artist who made the path to international gamedev company, through many struggles, quitting universities, moving from one country to another over and over again, surviving being totally broke, getting up being totally rich and poor again. The totally unstable path finally to some stability.
I will be sharing my experience of trying to find a proper job on 2D artist game development market, which is very competitive in past years.
Миколай ЛясотаCG Mixfight или Как художнику найти себя в GameDev/IT
: CG Artist, Art director, Graphic designer, MMA fighter, playboy, philanthropist :)
5+ Years of extensive experience in CG and Graphic design;
Went from being a 2D artist in Gamedev to an art director and senior graphic designer in IT. I aspire to be a Jack of all trades in this multi-discipline world.
Ты художник/дизайнер и тебя интересует геймдев/IT. Как найти себя студенту, молодому специалисту или верящему в себя аматору? С чего начать? Кем быть? Что не упустить? Где прокачаться? На эти и многие другие адские вопросы отвечу я - Миколай Лясота - человек начавший в темноте неведения и прошедший путь от рядового 2D-шника-фрилансера до арт директора международной компании и работы мечты.
: студенты, начинающие художники/дизайнеры, интересующиеся CG и Графическим дизайном, (возможно будет интересно начинающим руководителям дизайн отделов, лидам).
: поделится личным опытом грабельного набивания шишек и дать советы, подсказки по определению и обхождению подводных камней, бурного потока мира CG. Зажечь молодых и талантливых на борьбу и сворачивание гор на пути к своей мечте!
Дмитрий КрецуHow to Create Animation for Digital Advertising
: Freelance Motion and Visual Designer with 5 years of experience, working for clients from USA, New Zealand and Australia.
Why companies choose animation? Why is extremely relevant for tech and digital products? Essential things you should learn to be an animator: theory, skills, software, work practices.
, I will share my experience on how to use animation to create advertising for digital products and why is relevant especially to SaaS companies.
of my speech is young people who are passionate about animation or are choosing a career. I'll try to give them a right direction on how to quickly start a career in animation and what are the core things that make a good animator.
Мария КошаковаNarrative Design 101. Where to start?
: Game Writer, Narrative Designer, Indie-developer. 7+ years in Industry. Worked at Mail.Ru, Social Quantum. Currently works as a Game Writer and Narrative Designer in Tesla Games. Runs online-courses on Narrative Design and Game Writing - Narratorika.
: Narrative Design is a quite new profession. What is the difference between Narrative Design and traditional Game Writing? What does this mean - to tell stories with game instruments, to tell stories with game mechanics? Where to start learning Narrative Design? How to become a pro in this area?
in Eastern Europe is still a questionable topic. We're not good at ND and the situation has to change. If we want our games to compete successfully in the worldwide market, we must develop all the necessary skills including Narrative Design, which is one of the weakest right now.
Сергей ГимельрейхCard Battle Game paper prototyping
: Game Designer, Indie Developer, Co-owner Game Design Cuffs, curator of the creativity place Indie Space, curator of the podcast Radio GD. Participated in projects as Etherlords mobile, Mushroom Wars mobile, Shararam MMO, Steel Fury, Rolling Yarn, Dungeons of Evilibrium, Evilibrium Soul Hunters, SST VR Shooter and other.
: How to test your game design idea of the card battle game if you have scissors, paper, and a little bitcoins? We'll try to create a fast prototype of the card battle mechanic and we'll play some tests with it.
It'll be a workshop about fast paper prototyping of the card games.
First of all, I'll tell about card battle games and to describe what gives the paper prototype for game designers and why it's an important part of the game design. After that, we'll try to create a simple prototype of the card battle game and test it.
Михал МохоцкиA Core Curriculum for Education in Game Design
: Assistant Professor in narrative and cultural game studies at Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland. Wears many hats: researcher, educator, curriculum designer, project manager, and non-digital game designer.
Creator of GAMEDEC: Game Studies & Design: a B.A. programme for game designers which boasts 56,8% full-time employability in the industry even graduation.
: Come and behold the first results of the "Curriculum Design for Skills in Game Design". In a nutshell, it is the concept of a "core" 2-year higher-ed curriculum focused on the game designer's skillset: 8-9 modules scaffolded in 4 semesters, with classroom commitment designed for 2 days a week.
The idea of a "core" means it could be incorporated in larger curricula, combining the skills in game design with another skillset - programming, digital art, instructional design etc.
This curriculum concept is being consulted with professionals who have worked game designers, and/or have been game dev/design .
Игорь УдушливыйИгра — это прогресс бар. UI/UX в играх
: Графический дизайнер, иллюстратор и аниматор, последние 8 лет занимается созданием графики для мобильных игр. Фрилансер, сотрудничает с разными студиями, наиболее активно: со Spooky House Studios.
Автор книги по гейм-дизайну iPhone Game Blueprints, вышедшей в издательстве Packt. Также сам создает мобильные игры, используя Corona SDK.
: Любая игра — это интерфейс (и речь не о кнопках на экране), взаимодействие с игроком, решение задач. Всем этим управляют любопытные психологические законы, например, эффект Зейгарник, позволяющие играть с эмоциями игрока (манипулировать ими), даря ему яркий игровой опыт и делая игру запоминающейся. Правильно используя UI/UX-принципы можно заметно повысить привлекательного игрового процесса: усиливать эмоции от победы над противником, получения награды, например, лута (loot) или ачивки. Ну и, конечно, делать игровой мир более наглядным. В докладе будут рассмотрены всем эти аспекты, а также будет уделено внимание графическим стилям в игровых интерфейсах.
: Доклад будет посвящен интерфейсам в играх. Будут рассмотрены:
Графические стили интерфейсов;
психологические принципы работы, как они помогают лучше иллюстрировать те или иные этапы геймплея;
будет уделено внимание тому, как вообще заинтриговать игрока, заставить его решать те или иные задачи, быть вовлеченным в игру;
отдельное внимание будет посвящено игровым уровням и тому, как использовать ментальные модели для навигации внутри игрового мира.
Анна БальI Only Ever Wanted to Draw Dragons: 7 Fun Ways in Which Young Developers Manage To Murder Projects They Love
: An indie scene enthusiast, for the past 2 years Anna has been helping young video game developers in entering the industry with their own projects under the wings of ARP Games - a Polish, government-funded video games accelerator, and as a judge in many pitching competitions.
: When you work at a video games accelerator full of people making their own games, you see projects not only rise but also fall; often for silly reasons that could have been easily avoided. Learn from their experiences and hear about the most common mistakes made by enthusiastic, but inexperienced devs - based on real stories!
The lecture deals with most common problems inexperienced developers face when taking on creating their solo projects.
The talk will be divided into two parts:
Human resources. The first part will deal with the most common team building problems.
Production process. The second part deals with organizing the production.
Сергей МереуцаHow to (not) shoot in your leg twice during beta-testing
: Graduated Moldova State University. IT Professional with 18 Years of Experience in Software Development, Architect & Support. At the moment works in 2 different domains - Game development and Block-chain.
: A story of my experience with massive closed and opened beta-testing. All that you need to know before starting your own mass-testing.
Артем ВолковPractice game balance for beginners
: A game designer since 2010. I have broad experience as a game designer. Worked on different projects and for different companies, from small independent teams to large studios such as Wargaming. Now I'm working as a freelancer.
: Make a balance for a game with standard tools and step by step on practice.
: My lecture is a workshop where I'm balancing a game prototype together with the audience. This workshop is useful for junior game designers and people who want to be a game designer.
Ярослав КотVR??
: Game designer and researcher with over 23 years of experience. Ph.D., MBA, MPsych. Author and coauthor of over hundreds of books and articles on games, game design and game industry.
Member of International Game Developers Association, Head of BelGameDev, CEO of ComBat Vision game company, co-organizer of Central and East European Games Award, Senior Lecturer of Belarusian State University, Coowner of Business Advisers Law firm.
Worked with such companies as AOL, White Wolf, Gazprom, Wargaming, China Telecom Global, SoftServe, Belka Games, etc.
: AR/VR games: What they are? How to design VR\AR games? What to start with? What game design limits and possibilities there are? Lots of Design hints and tips and VR market statistics.
The audience will hear of some game design abilities VR/ AR offers to game developers, will be able to decide if they should choose such media for their game, what market should they aim for, uses of VR and AR games in the world.
Ресса ШварцвальдКак заказать звук для игры и не сойти с ума
: Няшный аудиомант.
: Как заказать звук для игры и не сойти с ума.
Владимир ГратиUnder the Hood of a Successful Idle Game – A Lean Approach to Game Development
: Professional game developer with over 6 of years experience in the mobile game industry. Joined Kolibri Games over a year ago, and since then became one of the key employees responsible for bringing weekly updates to millions of players worldwide.
: This presentation details the lean approach Kolibri Games takes with their titles - specifically how to go from zero to 50 Million+ installs and full profitability.
Applying lean principles to game development;
saying "no" to distractions;
the ideal MVP;
weekly update cycles;
being player-centric;
accelerating the critical path;
Андрей СозиновИсторичность против фантастики. Корабли на воде, под водой и в космосе
: Закончил Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет технологий и дизайна. С 2014 года работаю над проектом World of Warship в Wargaming Санкт-Петербург на должностях 3D Artist и 3D Team Lead.
: Знакомство с пайплайном историчного 3D контента на примере игры World of Warships. Формирование ивентов, тематических событий и создание фантастического контента в рамках историчности, пайплайна и сформированного геймплея.
Владимир Сытник 3D Environment Arts
: 3D Environment artist with 12 years of experience in gaming, production and automotive. Working in companies like Gameloft (Budapest, Hungary), Studio Transcendent (Los Angeles), YiLi Animation Studio (Shenzhen, China), Volkswagen AG (Wolfsburg, Germany).
: 3D Environment Arts in Gaming Industry
Денис ЧераMotion capture with neural networks, Python and Blender
: Game-developer, animator with 4+ years of experience. Recently started to code (mainly in Python) and study machine learning and neural networks.
: Capturing and transferring movements to a 3d character using a single camera and neural networks. Demonstration of promising approaches and sharing working prototypes.